Top 5 Things You Need To Consider When Buying Baby Toys

Going to become a mum soon? Well, congrats! You’re going to have a complete bundle of joy coming your way. So, make sure to welcome your little darling with the best wishes, cute baby toys, love, and laughter. The arrival of your baby is going to be a cherished memory for life. So, make sure to plan it in the best possible way. Being first-time parents, if you’re worried about how to buy toys for your baby, then you don’t need to worry anymore. This complete guide is for you. 
Here in this guide, we will be discussing some of the things you need to consider when buying baby toys:
 1.Soft harmless toys  
This is the most important consideration when buying toys for your infant. Ensure to buy the toys that are soft enough for your delicate baby. Baby toys are designed to be harmless, but you need to ensure that the toy doesn’t have any sharp or pointed edge. Also, consider that the toy shouldn’t be small enough to get swallowed by your child. The safety of your child should be your prime consideration. 
2. Toys that will help your child grow 
Look forward to buying toys that can help your child grow mentally. It’s important to consider buying toys that can boost your child’s mental level. Baby’s development depends upon the materials, experiences, and opportunities that baby receives . So, ensure to surround your baby with all the positive and interesting things that can help your baby grow. 

3. Toys that enhance skills 
Select toys that encourage problem-solving skills in your children. Playing offers children the chance to practice new skills over and over again. Ensure to buy the toys
that give kids a chance to figure out things on their own. Such toys can prove out to be highly beneficial for the overall development of your child.

4. Toys that boost your child’s imagination     

 Look for toys that spark your child’s imagination in the best possible way. There are many different toys that can help your child in developing positive and creative thoughts. So, ensure to buy such toys for your toddler. It can be anything like dress up clothing, stuffed animals and dolls, trains and trucks, dollhouses and much more.
5. Cause and effect games

You need to teach your child the relation between cause and effect. How small blocks can create a huge building and how misplacing a single block can destroy the whole building. Such games make your child learn the importance and relation of cause and effect. This is an important thing that your child needs to learn.  

Petite Hippo
   The bottom line is that toddlers are little explorers who learn by the things around them. Playing gives your child a great opportunity to learn things and implement them in their lives. So, ensure to have a keen eye on the things surrounding your child. Also, ensure that the baby toys you’re buying are of some use to your little darling. So, choose your child’s toys wisely and shape your baby’s future in the best possible way. 

Contribution of play and toys to child development

For children, the world is a plethora of information and knowledge. The connections formed between neurons in brain are called Synapses. These connections in a child’s brain are far more than that in an adult. It happens because adult brains are more skilled at processing information, unlike a toddler’s brain. An adult brain can avoid the information is deems unnecessary and only store info that is useful.

Children go through different stages of learning in which they are quite perceptive to certain kinds of information. After birth, children have a very sensitive sense of vision and they take a lot of visual information in first few months. Similarly, up to age 12, children are quite receptive to languages and other audio information. That’s why children are good at learning languages and music during this age.

With improved ability to grasp information, children are prone to learn anything and everything around them. Therefore, toys and games play a crucial part in a child’s cognitive and social development. The major amount of time a child spends during his early age is with toys. So, it becomes very important to pay attention to the kind of toys he/she plays with. Child development toys are a great way to see that a child has an overall development of personality.

From the moment children enter the world, they are conditioned with gender stereotypes.

Even the toy companies exploit this fact to increase sales. A boy is asked to play with action figures and cars while girls’ toys include dolls and household sets. Even the clothing for boys and girls have major differences in their colour, prints and designs.

It is important that a child plays with both feminine and masculine type of toys to have an overall personality development. Scientific studies have found that:

Feminine toys encouraged appearance and attraction more than masculine toys. They are more visually appealing and employ soft colours and glitz, thus, impacting the child’s preferences from an early age.

Feminine toys were found to improve domestic skills of kids. Also, feminine toys tend to increase sustenance skills in children as they grow more empathetic towards their environment.

Masculine toys tend to the competitive, risk-taking and aggressive side of a child’s personality. The toys are usually mobile and can move on their own. These toys help in the development of spatial, scientific and intellectual skills.

At , we have toys that will help your child get acomplete personal and social growth with the child development toys. With categorisation of toys into cognitive, physical, language and social types, it is made sure that children have great time playing with them and also learning a lot. With 100% safe toys for children, Petitehippo helps your child become a wiser individual in later years of life.


Top 5 Things You Need To Consider When Buying Baby Toys

  Going to become a mum soon? Well, congrats! You’re going to have a complete bundle of joy coming your way. So, make sure to welcom...